Sunday, 29 December 2013

Tinnitus – It can be Cured

The hearing loss is no longer a condition faced by the elderly, in recent times the younger population is equally affected by it. No specific cause for hearing loss has been found but most of the researchers claim that loud noises are major contributors to it. With changes in lifestyle and exposure to loud music and noise has led to hearing loss in young people.  During a hearing loss, a person usually hears ringing sound which is heard only by the person even though no such source of sound exists. This is a very annoying condition which is very disturbing. This condition is known as Tinnitus.

The Hearing Solution
Now you might be thinking how to cure tinnitus? Well this is not something which does not have a cure. With proper preventive measures and treatment it can be treated completely. Using Tinnitus Hearing Aids would help in preventing the accidents that are caused due to continuous ringing sound. People who work in areas with loud noises such as construction workers are more likely to suffer from tinnitus. Proper preventive measures and treatment should be taken so that this condition does not develop into deafness.

Tinnitus treatment involves making use of hearing aids which minimizes exposure to loud noises as well as gives relief to the person from the ringing sound. One should not expect immediate results after wearing the Tinnitus Masker; it takes a while to get accustomed to the device and thereby further proceeding of the treatment.

Clinics like the Hearing Solution Group are independent clinics who offer a complete cure for the tinnitus and hearing loss. Such a clinic which is not run by any hearing aid manufacturer offers devices as well as the proper cure for the condition. Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment offered by them cures the tinnitus condition by up to 90%. If you are sufferer then you must get proper treatment done to avoid further hearing damage.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

All about the hearing aids

People with hearing loss feel left out and isolated due to their impairment. Hearing aids are necessary for the people with hearing losses. For improving the hearing capability auditory devices are provided. Although there is advancement in the hearing aids but still a certain amount of background noise is still penetrated through the device. Even the highest quality of the device would try to eliminate most of the noise but not all. Hence one takes time to get adjusted with the hearing aid. But once they are comfortable they are about to understand the speeches and can hear everything normally.
If you are thinking about getting a hearing aid then you must be aware that it requires time to get comfortable with the device. The hearing aid is placed in the ear and one cannot expect to feel comfortable with it immediately. One needs to be patient and must try to get accustomed to the new device. Also the sounds and the background noise are to be dealt with. A good hearing specialist can help you with the new auditory apparatus as they know how to make the people comfortable with the new object that is fitted into their ears.
There are several types of hearing aids such as behind the ears, in the ear and in the canal. Various options available with each of the variants such a CIC hearing aid which is an in the canal (ITC) auditory device. ITC devices are smallest Hearing Aid and are less visible. ITC devices are comfortable and small but are very expensive. With digital hearing aids the outside noise can be reduced considerably as compared to analog hearing aids also the quality of sound and clarity of the speech is optimized. If you have any such needs then choose the one that fits your budget and the device with which you feel comfortable.

Treatment for tinnitus and hearing losses

What is tinnitus? In simple terms it is a condition where a person hears sound within the ears when no such sound is actually present. One cannot identify the basic cause for this problem but generally it is assumed that loud noises are major contributors to this problem. This sounds very easy to understand but it causes distress to the person who goes through it. In some persons the ringing sound is continuous while in some it is intermittent. The sound that the patient usually hears can be described as hissing, ringing or roaring which can vary in pitches. This condition is not such which cannot be treated. Ringing in ears treatment is available and it effectively heals the patients and helps them to lead a normal life. is a treatment that is available for the tinnitus which relieves patient from the disturbing noise. It is an FDA approved treatment that is suitable for every age group which involves usage of hearing aid for tinnitus. Another problem that we face is hearing loss. With advancing world the possibility of hearing defects has increased by manifolds. Due to loud noises, our inner ear gets damaged and leads to hearing loss. Such a loss can be treated by making use of hearing aids.

Hearing loss is now not limited just to people approaching old age but it is equally affecting children. More and more cases of hearing loss in children are found nowadays. The loss that is caused due to injury, loud noises or infection cannot be repaired and hearing aid is the only solution that is available for the sufferers. One can find several brands for the hearing aids in the market but selecting the appropriate one that fits the patient is necessary. A hearing specialist would help you out in finding the correct hearing aid for you or your child by assessing the level of hearing loss.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Hearing Solution, provides simple solutions for varied hearing ailments!

The Hearing Solution group,  is the largest independent provider of Hearing aids in Asia. Its head office is in Singapore with around 72 centres all across Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. We are the only Hearing instruments company that has acquired the ISO 9001 certification in Singapore. The company came into being in the year 2003, with the main objective to provide the much neuromonics tinnitus treatmentneeded hearing loss solutions for the ones having these problems. Over the years we have been able to capture the market with our high quality hearing instruments and great customer care services.

We have till date catered to the needs of over 100,000 adults and children, who have been benefitted by using these devices. You can avail the best quality branded products like Siemens hearing aid, Starkey (USA), Bernafon (Switzerland), Audio Service (Germany) and ExSilient ones (Holland).

We are the only centre providing treatment and training for simple and complex auditory problems. We even provide training for the central auditory capabilities for patients who have started having auditory problems. Our company provides treatment for simple and common problems like Tinnitus (ringing in the ears). The group offers a treatment called Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment. You can also get implanted ears in case of severe auditory ailment.

You can get the Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implants if the impairment cannot be reversed. For your reference we have provided link on the website of the companies from where you can take free test for diagnosing of your ailment. There are informative blogs and articles given on the company’s website which will enable you understand your own problem better. The company’s website displays all the hearing instruments in a well–defined catalogue. You can buy them through online shopping anytime you wish.